A Little Zen for Little Ones

Classic Stories. Timeless Mindfulness.

Classic Stories.
Timeless Mindfulness.



Based on an ancient and beloved Zen fable, this story is about a wise girl who experiences a series of events that at first seem lucky (or unlucky) but then turn out to be quite the opposite. A bike disappears, but then she gets a new one. She hurts herself, but then she enjoys a nice day at home. For each incident, was what happened good luck? Maybe. Was it bad luck? Maybe. Or, perhaps the girl simply does not get caught up in the emotion of the moment, because she can never know what that event might lead to, “good” or “bad”...

Gelette Burgess Award

Winner of the Mom's Choice Awards Silver Medal

Gelette Burgess Award

Winner of the Gelett Burgess Children's Book Awards Gold Medal

“This soulful little book, with its colorful pictures, teaches kids the valuable message that sometimes not getting what they want is a good thing... a message many adults are still struggling to learn.”

—Dr. Jenn Berman, bestselling author of SuperBaby: 12 Ways to Give Your Child a Head Start in the First 3 Years, Rockin' Babies, and The A to Z Guide to Raising Happy Confident Kids

Maybe: A Little Zen for Little Ones'is an excellent read-aloud storybook to share with young people, especially when teaching them about the unpredictable nature of life itself. Highly recommended.”

Midwest Book Review

Still There

Still There?


Based on an ancient and beloved Zen fable, this story is about a wise boy who helps a girl who isn’t very nice to him. But while his friend becomes upset about the situation, the wise boy simply lets it go and moves on to playing again. The story captures many beautiful Zen concepts —being in the present moment, doing something nice without expecting anything in return, letting go of an unpleasant experience, and not lingering on negative thoughts.

Gelette Burgess Award

Winner of the Mom's Choice Awards Silver Medal

Gelette Burgess Award

Winner of the Gelett Burgess Children's Book Awards Gold Medal

”In only a few words and pages, ’Still There?‘ was able to change my perspective and turn my day around. It‘s amazing how much power one children’s book can hold. . . Colorful, modern illustrations engage the reader. . . Children are sure to enjoy the distinctive styles and personalities of the three characters. . . ’Still There?‘ is an invitation to engage in meaningful conversation with your children. After reading it, you will find yourself letting go of any lingering emotion you may have from the day.“

—Cameron Crane, Little Pickle Press

Remember the Stars

Remember the Stars


This story is about a wise boy who receives a lot of love—and worry—from his parents. They worry about his health, his happiness, and everything else. Ultimately, the boy changes how his parents relate to him, asking them to consider focusing on the present moment instead of worrying about the future. The message touches upon core Zen concepts of being present and not letting our worries disconnect us from what is truly important.

Gelette Burgess Award

Winner of the Mom's Choice Awards Silver Medal

Gelette Burgess Award

Winner of the Gelett Burgess Children's Book Awards Gold Medal

”...I applaud the author for bringing such an important message to young families, when nowadays everyone’s time is overly-structured, and life so busy, they can hardly manage to eat dinner together.“

—Nancy Partridge, Examiner.com